Cocaine Possession & Distribution
As the managing partner of the largest criminal firm in the region, I have noticed more than anyone how significant the resurgence of cocaine has been in Middletown. This Schedule II controlled dangerous substance is again commonplace in Monmouth County and has regained its ranking as the second most used illegal drug. Police and prosecutors intend to stifle this growth through the arrest of anyone found in possession of cocaine as this often leads to apprehension of those distributing. If you have been charged with possession, selling or intent to distribute cocaine, the attorneys at the Middletown Office of The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are equipped to help you. We are a powerhouse defense team of eight lawyers, many of whom are former prosecutors, that can offer the skill that comes with over a 100 years of experience between us. An attorney with the skill and contacts necessary effectively defend you is available for a free consultation 24/7 by calling 732-615-0039.

Charged With a Cocaine Possession in Middletown NJ
N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 sets forth the criminal violation and penalties that apply to cocaine possession. Subsection a(1) of this statute makes this offense a third degree crime. What this means is that while you may have been arrested for possession in Middletown, your case will be heard at the Monmouth Superior Court in Freehold as this is the court will jurisdiction to decide a third degree indictable charge. You should also know that you are subject to penalties that include a potential fine of $35,000 and five years in state prison. These penalties are enhanced when possession occurs in a school zone.
Arrested for Distribution or Intent to Distribute Cocaine in Middletown
The penalties that apply to a cocaine offense are much more severe when they involve manufacturing, distributing or possession with intent to distribute. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5 (“manufacturing, distributing or dispensing”), you can be prosecuted for a first degree, second degree or third degree crime for these activities depending on the quantity of cocaine. Distribution of less than a half ounce of cocaine is a third degree crime that triggers a fine of up to $75,000 and five years in prison. It is a second degree crime to sell or possess cocaine with the intent to distribute a quantity of at least a half ounce by less than five ounces. The penalties second degree distribution are five to ten years in prison and a fine that can reach $150,000. First degree distribution of cocaine applies where the weight is five ounces or more. This first degree crime carries a fine of up to $500,000 and ten to twenty years in prison with a period of parole ineligibility. The consequences of selling or distributing escalate even further if the conduct occurs in a drug free school zone or within 500 feet of a public park or housing project.
Middletown NJ Cocaine Defense Lawyer
Irrespective of the variety of cocaine charge you may be facing, the skilled Middletown Criminal Attorneys on our staff have the tools to succeed on your behalf. We have been effectively defending simple possession and the most complex of distribution cases in Freehold and are prepared to do what it takes to help you. It may come down to thoroughly contesting a search warrant, challenging the basis for the stop of a car or excellent negotiating, but you can trust that our resources will be fully utilized to achieve the very best result available in your matter. To discuss the specifics of your case with a seasoned lawyer on team, contact our Middletown Office now. Attorneys are available 24/7 to assist you and initial consultations are always free.